3.2 - Interim Presentation
For our Thursday class we were asked to produce two activity spreads, as well as one subject spread, all using and exploring a range of layouts and approaches.
1. Activity Spread 01
For this spread, I intended to use an almost poster-style illustration of Fix and Fogg's peanut butter jar surrounded by a load of original-drawn peanuts. This design took me quite a while to produce and so felt I had to use it and am glad I did. The whole illustration is engaging and fun through it's pop in colour and range in detail - from the individual peanuts to the light reflection on the jar. The whole illustration is original, however to construct the illustrations I referenced photographs of by own and sourced online. Below is a copy of the illustration.

In terms of the overall composition of this first-page spread, however, I believe it is largely successful, in the way it directs the reader's eye and the use of colour to create focal points. Throughout the design, the use of the orange/tan colour used to resemble peanut butter helps bring 'pop' to the title of 'Fix and Fogg', and then the horizontal bar that comes left to right from the letter x, moves the reader's attention to the second page. In regards to the initial focal point, it was intended for it be that of the poster illustration and I believe it has done this. The attention is then brought down to the title which using a grid system lines up well to the illustration's box above. Following these, the reader then tracks across and begins reading the excerpt of text. A problem with this, however, is that it somewhat misses out the 'grading system' - an element and key used to differentiate each location from the other. To fix this, I would suggest moving the key to a left-aligned position. Finally, the orange circle in the bottom right was added to provide more colour to the second page, however looking at it once printed, I feel it would be interesting to add some sort of texture or sense of depth onto the colour.

2. Activity Spread 02
My second spread, focuses on a much more photographed approach, while still some illustrative elements. In comparison to my first spread, I feel that this spread is less successful, as the second page of this spread is too busy and compressed. The first-page meanwhile is well done, as I use two equal columns to balance the title and body text with a clean and rather minimal image of the business' flag. What also features on this spread, is a landscape photograph of my flatmate Theo in the Fix & Fogg t-shirt and holding the jar in order to bring a sense of community, kindness, and humbleness. This first page works well, as both photographs are not overly/too complex, while still show important details and aspects of the business' image.Moving onto the second page, however, I feel that there isn't a noticeable and much-needed element to link the two, rather than the triangle. An element that does continue throughout this whole design is the 'worn, white texture'. This vector helps add a rustic rough look to the bold orange colour fill. These attributes are not too similar to the actual peanut butter food which is rough (vector), while smooth and clean (orange triangle). Comments made during the presentation by my peers stated that the "texture represents the peanut butter well".
In regards to both of the two activity spreads, I believe I need to reconsider my third grading title which at the moment is accessibility. This is because I have currently used an original illustration of a man in order to portray that the location is within walking distance, however, the question can be asked of - "within walking distance of where". To fix this, I may change the third grading title to location and use icons such as a city skyscraper to portray that Fix & Fogg, in particular, is centrally based. Another alternative would be to use the title - uniqueness. This grading comparison could be visualized through ticks or thumbs up.

3. Subject Spread 01
My final and third spread was one that visually displays all of the default text we were given in class, while still incorporating elements from my brochure idea. For this design, I used a large, bold serif font title to act as the focal point on the left-hand side of the page. The use of a serif font in both the title and throughout the body text makes the spread coherent. Meanwhile, the use of grey tones in the background allows for the more important visual elements e.g. circle photos of each location/activity, to stand out more. The reuse of the character holding the location's gift was added in order to provide the reader with a subtle, yet the visual image that portrays what it is like to possess and now own each gift.
To be improved, I believe the character silhouettes/line drawings need to be redone, especially the one in which the figure is holding the peanut butter jar. This is because the figures are supposed to represent the receiver of these gifts and not the giver - the peanut butter figure portrays that they are giving, rather than using/receiving. To fix this I may draw a figure with a place of toast and peanut butter. Another aspect of these figures that need to be addressed is the identity, as it would be best for them to represent a much broader demographic and avoid being a male adult. Doing this would then help address and relate the brochure to a wider audience.

Overall Summary:
In conclusion, I felt I am incorporating my illustrations well into my work and balancing elements well across the page. I think I am also doing well at creating focal points and directions in which the eye to travel/follow. However, a rather large downfall of this interim is my ability to successfully set up and thus follow a grid. I failed to do this during the designing of my spreads and instead was first arranging my elements and then lining them up with the guides, rather than having a concrete grid system and going from there. This is something I intend to work on increasingly over the next week.