5.2 - Introduction and Information Spreads Developments 01
Below are my spreads to be used for the Discover Wellington and Arts and Culture information. As with the previous spread developments I wanted to consistently use elements previously featured.
This first spread which is titled ' Discover Wellington' uses the horizontally filled rectangles to help transition from left to right. The spread also used the same font - Keep Calm in the title of the page. A few new illustrations are added into this page. They are the black and white line drawings of the figure holding/carrying/using each of my locations products. These are shown in detail below. In regards to colour decisions with these figures I wanted to show the product in use, however, make sure that much of the focus was on the product and not the human figure. To achieve this I made the figure black and white as it sees the figures more muted and minimal in comparison to the detailed and colourful object for which they are carrying.
My location map is also featured on this spread to help the reader locate where in Central Wellington each shop is. The map takes up a large proportion of the right page and the top lines up well with the top of the body text used on the left page. This creates a good relation between the two pages.

The second spread is the Arts and Culture one that holds a lot of information. With this in mind, I felt it was important to avoid creating a standard and rather boring grid system, as if I were to read all of the text, I would want some sense of 'fun'. To address this, use the title text as an almost arrow to direct the reader left to right and thus down the bullet points. The title of each bullet point's concept is again in the Keep Calm font to help keep consistency.
To add a sense of colour, I added my own photographs which had been taken at each location and placed them in circles. Placing them in this shape helps soften the sharp edge of the grey background box. This box was added to help bleed between the pages and connect the two.
Finally, the second lot of body text is placed on the right-hand page and occupies two out of three columns. Importantly with this decision, I avoid making the font too small which in turn would make it whereby too many words are on one line and thus hard to read.