5.1 - Vessel Small Illustration
Below is my illustration for Vessel and as with the others, will be placed above the body text and title for this location's spread. With this line drawing I wanted to again subtly incorporate the shop's product - star mug, and the show it being used during everyday life. What is shown and portrayed, is the daily life of what could be labeled as a 'creative individual'. This idea sees objects such as a laptop, camera, and notebooks being shown alongside the mug. Overall this idea is one of calmness and creativity - both attributes that I believe embody much of Vessel's image and ceramic selection.

For inspiration and references for the objects and items seen in this illustration, I again used Pinterest as well as objects around my house which I thought could be of use. In terms of items found in my house, I saw my reading glasses and laptop as great inspiration. The glasses help bring contrasting circular shapes to the linear look of the books and laptop, a technique that is successful in this line drawing. Below are photos and references used in the creation of this illustration.