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5.1 - Precinct35 Small Illustration

Below is the illustration used on the Precinct35 spread. In this illustration again, I wanted to subtly show the product which in this case has been the tote bag, and then display the product being used in day to day life. What is seen, are the numerous objects and belongings that people would normally carry in a bag like this; glasses, pencils, books, phone. I believe this illustration is successful in the composition as the natural angle of the arms plays well with the direction of the bag and the belongings that are then sprawled across the table.

In regards to this inspiration, I used Pinterest to gather ideas surrounding 'books on a desk', 'belongings, flatlay', 'home objects, bedroom'. Using Pinterest allowed me to find professionally composed photographs of flatlays and enabled to understand several principles that they followed. These principles and similarities include composition in the fact that each object is shown and not hidden directly under the other, and also the creation of a focal point that is achieved through the direction and flow of these objects.

For my illustration, I wanted it to be busy and almost irregular however as I feel lining objects up so meticulously can take away that natural and composed feel.

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