5.2 - Location Spreads Development 03
01. Developing my locations spreads further, I decided on experimenting in changing the colour of the smaller elements that surround the...

5.2 - Location Spreads Developments 02
02. With my previous location developments, I felt that they too busy and the idea to use photographs wasn't successful as all three did...

5.2 - Introduction and Information Spreads Developments 01
Below are my spreads to be used for the Discover Wellington and Arts and Culture information. As with the previous spread developments I...

5.2 - Front Cover Developments
01. For my front cover, I wanted to incorporate elements previously used in the contents of my brochure. These elements include the title...

5.1 - Vessel Small Illustration
Below is my illustration for Vessel and as with the others, will be placed above the body text and title for this location's spread. With...

5.1 - Precinct35 Small Illustration
Below is the illustration used on the Precinct35 spread. In this illustration again, I wanted to subtly show the product which in this...

5.1 - Fix & Fogg Small Illustration
Below is the illustration which is now used above the body text and main header on the Fix & Fogg double page spread. The drawing aims to...

5.1 - Location Smaller Illustrations
I had previously been using original photographs to photograph the top corner of each location's double page spread however I am wanting...

4.2 - Location Spreads Development 01
01. This first series of location spreads explore and experiment with design techniques that I want to implement into my design brochure....
4.2 - Location Map
#Illustration #explore