For our llama mascot, we aim to give him that sense of freedom and fun that can come from an outdoor festival. To do this we really need his facial features and body language to portray a chill and relaxed persona.
With this specific direction in mind, we have selected three animated character's who we feel embody this type of body language and/or elements of it.
01: 'Chicken Joe' (Surf's Up)
This character I feel is the exact definition of relaxed and free. His slouched-over body frame and both goofy and dreary facial expressions as really funny. What is also successful in this character's design are his out of proportion body features, for example, his teardrop-shaped torso and twig-like legs.
02: 'Kuzco'
Conveniently, this character is a llama. What made me drawn to this character in particular though, was his facial expressions. His smile in the bottom two images show more than happiness and I think this helped through his out of proportion eyes and buck teeth. Kuzco's skinny and almost stretched out joints help add to a fairly comedic looking personality.
03. 'Shaun the Sheep'
Shaun the Sheep is a great character reference in both his dead-pan comedic style and quirkiness in terms of illustration. One important design element is Shaun’s mouth, which sticks out from the side of his face. This helps add emotion to his simple and often static face. Shaun's body language when he is standing is also useful, as we aim for our llama to take up a human posture essentially, however still incorporate aspects of his 'own species'.