2.2 - Vessel Practice Collages

With my Vessel collages, I wanted to visual incorporate aspects from my visit to the shop. I achieved this by using similar colours and tones which are seen heavily throughout the shop. Another idea I played with, was the process of making these ceramics and how so much of it I feel revolves around the word - 'flow'. This word I believe has relevance to clay making/sculpting as seen in my third college, the three free-flowing lines continuously resemble that of the earth's crust and many natural layers (grass, soil, plates). Flow can also be seen used in the first collage through the vertical falling of coloured blocks into the cups/mugs, and then secondly in the middle collage which shows an original illustration of a serving jug and the action of pouring a liquid into one of Vessel's products.
In regards to most successful, I believe my middle one is, as I like the idea of using the photograph of the mugs with the overlaying colour filled circles used to resemble some sort of liquid. These circles work well as they allow the whole design to pop and the fact that there are so many allows for an array of colours to be used.
Another area/element that works well, is the use of the New Zealand map. With this, I used the offset path tool in Illustrator to slowly make the outline smaller and in turn create an almost contoured like effect. This again plays with the idea of taking influence from the land's natural characteristics.