5.1 - Vessel Small Illustration
Below is my illustration for Vessel and as with the others, will be placed above the body text and title for this location's spread. With...
5.1 - Precinct35 Small Illustration
Below is the illustration used on the Precinct35 spread. In this illustration again, I wanted to subtly show the product which in this...
5.1 - Fix & Fogg Small Illustration
Below is the illustration which is now used above the body text and main header on the Fix & Fogg double page spread. The drawing aims to...
3.1 - Fix & Fogg at Home
From my visit to Fix & Fogg, I thought it would be a good idea to photogrpah and understand the process of eating their peanut butter and...
2.2 - Fix & Fogg Practice Collage
This collage was designed to display the action of opening a peanut butter jar and perhaps the love and enthusiasm that so many people...
2.2 - Precinct35 Practice Collages
With Precinct35, I wanted to bring forward their contemporary style and yet strong appreciation towards natural and high quality...
2.2 - Vessel Practice Collages
With my Vessel collages, I wanted to visual incorporate aspects from my visit to the shop. I achieved this by using similar colours and...
1.1 - Holiday Postcard
For the first exercise of this course, we were instructed to visually illustrate/sketch something that we did or experienced during our...