1.2 - Vessel Mindmap
Having visited all three of my locations, I thought it would be good to create a mindmap of words relevant to each location. My mindmap...
1.2 - Location Visit/Photos
Above: Original Photos taken at Vessel On Thursday after class, I visited all of my locations/shops in order to photograph predominantly...
1.1 - Matrix Development
For our homework, we were required to take home several matrix templates and refine or add activities that had been brainstormed in the...
1.1 - Group Brainstorm of Possible Subject Matter
Introducing the term's assignment, we were asked to write up as many activities/things no matter how broad that ultimately sit under one...
1.1 - Holiday Postcard
For the first exercise of this course, we were instructed to visually illustrate/sketch something that we did or experienced during our...